Some JS and Haskell stuff
Vulgr UI - React
Vulgr is a project I've been working on, on and off, for a while. The goal is to build a dependency analysis platform - analyze your gradle
dependencies to see whether they contain known vulnerabilities or bugs, reading from whatever data sources (CVE database, github issues, etc...) that make sense.
This week, I did some work on how this information could be displayed to users on a web interface, e.g.:

This is built with react and material-ui. The code for the card is located at AnalysisSummaryCard.js. Following is the code for the status icon's in the card, nice, flexible re-usable component!
'use strict';
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import ReactTooltip from 'react-tooltip';
let statusIcon = (iconType, attributes, style) => {
return (
<i className='material-icons md-36' {...attributes}
let tooltippableStatusIcon = (iconType, tooltipInfo, style) => {
let tooltip = function () {
if (tooltipInfo) {
return (
<ReactTooltip place='top'
<span ><strong>{tooltipInfo.message}</strong></span>
} else {
return null;
let tooltippedAttributes = () => {
return tooltipInfo ? {'data-tip': '', 'data-for':} : [];
return (
{ tooltip() }
{ statusIcon(iconType, tooltippedAttributes(), style) }
export const StatusIcon = ({iconType, tooltipInfo, style}) => {
return tooltippableStatusIcon(iconType, tooltipInfo, style);
StatusIcon.propTypes = {
iconType: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
tooltipInfo: PropTypes.shape({
id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
type: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
message: PropTypes.string.isRequired
style: PropTypes.object
export default StatusIcon;
Here is an example of its use to render the error icon, first a function to wrap up the JSX:
let createStatusIcon = (iconType, tooltipInfo, style) => {
return (
style={style} />
Concrete usage:
let errorIcon = () => {
let icon = 'error';
let marginLeft = 10;
let tooltipInfo = buildTooltipInfo('analysis-card-error-tooltip', 'error', 'Error!', {marginLeft});
let style = {color: 'red', float: 'left', marginLeft};
return createStatusIcon(icon, tooltipInfo, style);
Pretty flexible! The color and style can easily be changed so the icon can fit in without much hassle in components with complex styles, or can be greyed out, etc...
I use Angular and bootstrap at work, so far react and material have been a dream in comparison.
Haskell Criu RPC Client
I've been toying about with criu for the last few weeks. I decided to write some bindings to it in haskell.
Criu's RPC API 1 uses protobuf. I used the proto-lens library to generate lenses and data types. This gives a pretty nice foundation to build upon - the project for generation is on github, haskell-criu-rpc-types 2.
With that foundation, I threw together a quick client:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Criu (
module Proto.Criu.Rpc
, module Lens.Family2
, callCriu
, callCriu'
) where
import Control.Exception.Base (IOException, bracket, try)
import Lens.Family2 ((.~))
import Data.ProtoLens (decodeMessage, encodeMessage)
import Proto.Criu.Rpc
import Network.Socket (Family(AF_UNIX), SocketType(SeqPacket), SockAddr(SockAddrUnix), close, connect, socket)
import Network.Socket.ByteString (recv, send)
-- | Send request to criu socket. Can throw exceptions.
callCriu :: FilePath -> Criu_req -> IO (Either String Criu_resp)
callCriu fp req = do
resp <- withSocket $ \sock -> do
connect sock (SockAddrUnix fp)
send sock (encodeMessage req)
recv sock 1024
pure (decodeMessage resp :: Either String Criu_resp)
withSocket f = bracket
(socket AF_UNIX SeqPacket 0)
(\sock -> f sock)
-- | Send a request to criu, but wrap up IOExceptions in Either.
callCriu' :: FilePath -> Criu_req -> IO (Either String Criu_resp)
callCriu' fp req = do
eitherResp <- try (callCriu fp req)
case eitherResp of
Right resp -> pure resp
Left (e :: IOException) -> pure . Left . show $ e
Both callCriu
and callCriu'
expect the path to the criu
socket and a Criu_req
To build the actual Criu_req
expected by the calls is is pretty straightforward. In ghci
> build (type' .~ CHECK) :: Criu_req
Criu_req {
_Criu_req'type' = CHECK
, _Criu_req'opts = Nothing
, _Criu_req'notifySuccess = Nothing
, _Criu_req'keepOpen = Nothing
, _Criu_req'features = Nothing
build (type' .~ CHECK) :: Criu_req
builds a request for a criu
check. So, an actual call looks as follows:
> callCriu' "criu_service.socket" (build (type' .~ CHECK) :: Criu_req)
Right (
Criu_resp {
_Criu_resp'type' = CHECK
, _Criu_resp'success = True
, _Criu_resp'dump = Nothing
, _Criu_resp'restore = Nothing
, _Criu_resp'notify = Nothing
, _Criu_resp'ps = Nothing
, _Criu_resp'crErrno = Nothing
, _Criu_resp'features = Nothing
, _Criu_resp'crErrmsg = Nothing
From the service logs:
$ criu service
Warn (cr-service.c:1023): Binding to local dir address!
Warn (cr-check.c:827): Skipping cgroup namespaces check
Looks good.
Success! Lots to improve, but a good start. I'll do a more in-depth post on this once it matures.
See for more information. 2: It's also on hackage,, however I'm not sure what the standard is for libraries that generate their code.